Sales Tax FAQs
Sales Tax Collection for Customers, Distributors, and Resellers
1. Do you collect sales tax on purchases?
Yes, we collect sales tax on all orders shipped to states where we are legally required to do so. The amount of tax collected is based on the applicable state and local tax rates for the shipping address.
2. How can customers, distributors and resellers qualify for sales tax exemption?
- To qualify, provide a valid resale or tax exemption certificate for the state where the order is being shipped.
- This document must include the state-issued tax ID number and meet all legal requirements for tax exemption.
- In some cases additional documentation maybe needed.
3. How do I submit my resale or tax exemption certificate?
Send a copy of your certificate to salestax @ with the following details:
- Business name
- Contact information
- Account details for verification
Processing typically takes up to 2 business days.
4. What happens after I submit my certificate?
Once your certificate is approved, your account will be flagged as tax-exempt, and future purchases will not include sales tax.
5. Do I need to renew my tax exemption status?
In some states, tax exemption certificates must be renewed periodically. If your certificate expires, we will notify you to provide an updated document.
6. What if I have already been charged sales tax but am exempt?
If you were charged sales tax on an order after your exemption certificate was approved, please contact us with your order details. We will review your request and, if permitted by law, issue a refund for the sales tax.