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Alere EZ Split Integrated 10 Panel Drug Test Key Cup, 25/Box

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  • Alere Abbott Diagnostics 2430P 2-Part Carbonless Saliva Drug Test Result Forms
Quantity Price per Box (25) Each Price
Buy 1 - 3 $155.00 $6.20
Buy 4 - 5 $147.00 $5.88
Buy 6 - 9 $142.25 $5.69
Buy 10 - 19 $137.75 $5.51
Buy 20 or above $130.00 $5.20

Abbott E-Z Integrated 10 Panel Drug Test Key Cup

The E-Z Integrated Split Key Cup from Abbott /Alere Toxicology is the first rapid response onsite testing device to offer a compact, split specimen format that is not only easy to use, but is easy to administer because of its compact and oval shape front and squared back, the E-Z Key Cup is easy to use for men and women. Split Specimen E-Z Cup is an innovative drug test cup design that eliminates urine handling and donor tampering, providing a unique and efficient approach for on-site testing.

The E-Z Integrated Split Specimen drug test is initiated when the key is inserted into the cup which allows the operator to run drug tests at your convenience. The Integrated Split Key Cup is the first immediate response onsite testing device to offer a compact, split-specimen, fully integrated, self contained drug screening cup for detecting multiple drugs and drug metabolites existence in urine with the accuracy of laboratory tests in a shorter time. The E-Z integrated split specimen Key cup can be ordered with the combinations from 3 to 12 panel test cups. The test utilizes monoclonal antibodies to selectively detect elevated levels of specific drugs in urine. The Integrated E-Z Split Key Cup is a lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in urine.

Item Number Drugs Tested (Choose Panel Above) Adulterants Tested

Download & Print E-Z Split Cup Reference Materials

E-Z Integrated Key Cup Drug Test Package Insert

E-Z Integrated Key Cup Drug Test Procedure CardAlere E-Z Split Specimen Key Cup Drug Test

Features & Benefits

  • The Split Key Cup is easy to test and are less expensive
  • Reserved split-specimen ideal for additional confirmation testing
  • specimen collector activateS the test with special key eliminating donor manipulation
  • The E-Z Key Cup Label hides test result from those who do not need to view results
  • The Fully Integrated cup design eliminates handling of the urine
  • Split Specimen for Lab Confirmation
  • Cut-offs levels of drug testing set according SAMHSA
  • 12 to 18 Month Shelf Life
  • FDA Cleared for Professional Use
  • Available in CLIA waived and Adulteration Detection configurations
  • 99% Accurate test results in 5 minutes
  • No handling, dipping, tilting, or touching of the urine is required
  • Leak proof snap top lid Integrated Temperature Strip Auto-Split sample for specimen integrity
  • Split Specimen test cup detects multiple drugs existence, as accurate as the laboratory tests in a shorter time
Drug Name Abbreviation Calibrator Cutoff Minimum Detection Time* Maximum Detection Time*
Amphetamine AMP D-Amphetamine 1000 ng/ml 2-7 hours 2-4 days
Barbiturates BAR Secobarbital 300 ng/ml 2-4 hours 1-3 weeks
Benzodiazepines BZO Oxazepam 300 ng/ml 2-7 hours 1-4 days
Buprenorphine BUP Buprenorphine 10 ng/ml 2-7 hours 2-3 days
Cocaine COC Buprenorphine 300 ng/ml 1-4 hours 2-4 days
Ecstasy MDMA 3,4-Methylendioxymethamfetamin 500 ng/ml 2-7 hours 2-4 days
Marijuana THC 11-nor-Delta9-THC-9 COOH 50 ng/ml 2 hours up to 40 days
Methadone MTD Methadone 300 ng/ml 3-8 hours 1-3 days
Methamphetamine mAMP D-Methamphetamine 1000 ng/ml 2-7 hours 2-4 days
Morphine MOP (OPI-300) Morphine 300 ng/ml 2 hours 2-3 days
Opiates OPI Morphine 2000 ng/ml 2 hours 2-3 days
Oxycodone OXY Oxycodone 100 ng/ml 1-3 hours 1-2 days
Phencyclidine PCP Phencyclidine 25 ng/ml 4-6 hours 7-14 days
Tricyclic Antidepressants TCA Nortriptyline 1000 ng/ml 8-12 hours 2-7 days
Propoxyphene PPX Propoxyphene 300 ng/ml 2-7 hours 2-3 days
* Detection times are not guaranteed. Please refer to panel configuration above for complete list of drugs tested for this device. This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are indicated.
Interpret Test Results

Read results at Five (5) Minutes
Read results at five (5) minutes
Results stable up to sixty (60) minutes


Interpret Adulteration Results

E-Z Integrated Key Cup AD Chart
SAMPLE ONLY - Color chart NOT Exact