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19 Panel Amazewell Select Multi-Drug Urine Test Cup with Adulteration Testing, Includes 6-MAM, ETG, FEN, K2, KET, KRA, TRA, 25/Box

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Amazewell Select 19-Panel Drug Test Cup with Adulterants, 6-MAM, ETG, FEN, K2, KET, KRA, TRA, 25/Box

The Amazewell® Select 19 panel drug test detects the most commonly abused drugs. This One-Step cup is designed for accuracy and ease of use, while also being competitively priced. The Amazewell® Select serves as an all-in-one drug test cup, facilitating the simultaneous qualitative detection of various drug metabolites in human urine at specific cutoff levels. It features test lines that are 30% wider, making them easier to read. Additionally, the tests remain valid for up to 60 minutes, ensuring reliability over an extended period. It provides rapid results through an easy-to-read visual panel immunoassay. Achieve quick and accurate results with the Amazewell® Select Cup.

Features & Benefits

  • Easy to Use
  • Low Cutoffs
  • Includes Built-in Adulterant Testing
  • Temperature Strip 
  • Over 99% Accuracy
  • 30% bigger Cup
  • Faster Read Times
  • Forensic Use
  • Up to 24 months shelf life
  • Fast visible sample migration 
  • FDA 510(k) #K133968 / K153597
Nineteen Panel Cup
Item Number Panel Configuration Adulterants Tested (SVT) Approvals
ASUD-L1195EFTKKK6A3 6-MAM 10, AMP 500, BAR 300, BUP 10, BZO 300, COC150, ETG 300, FYL 20, K2 20, KET 1000, KRA 300, MET 500, MDMA 500, MTD 300, MOP 300, OXY 100, PCP 25, THC 20, TRA 100 CR -Creatinine
SG - Specific Gravity
PH - pH Level
Forensic Use

Integrated Adulterant Testing

In urine drug test kits, testing for creatinine, specific gravity, and pH helps detect adulteration or dilution of the sample, which can be an attempt to mask the presence of drugs. These tests help ensure the integrity of the urine sample, thereby supporting the accuracy of the overall drug testing process. Here’s what each tests for:

  1. Creatinine: Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscle metabolism and is typically present in consistent amounts in urine. Extremely low levels of creatinine may suggest that the urine has been diluted, either by consuming excessive liquids or by adding water to the sample.

  2. Specific Gravity: This test measures the concentration of all chemical particles in the urine. Normal ranges for specific gravity generally fall between 1.002 and 1.030. Values outside this range might indicate that the sample has been diluted (low specific gravity) or adulterated with substances like sugar or salt to mask dilution (high specific gravity).

  3. pH: The pH test measures the acidity or alkalinity of the urine sample. Normal urine pH ranges from 4.6 to 8.0. A pH level significantly outside this range can suggest tampering, such as the addition of acidic or alkaline substances to alter the drug test results.

Built-In Temperature Strip

Temperature strips in drug test kits are used to verify the freshness of a urine sample. They help ensure that the sample is body temperature, typically between 90°F and 100°F (32°C and 38°C), indicating that it was given at the time of the test and not substituted or tampered with. This is a critical part of maintaining the integrity of the testing process, as it helps to confirm that the sample is indeed from the individual being tested and is recent.

Drug Detection Table in Urine
Drug Name / Description Abbreviation Cutoff Detection Window* Certifications / Approvals
A schedule II drug available by prescription. Acute, higher dosages lead to euphoria, alertness and sense of energy and power.
AMP 500 ng/mL
1000 ng/mL
2 to 96 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Central nervous system depressants used therapeutically as sedatives hypnotics and anticonvulsants.
BAR 300 ng/mL 2 to 72 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Frequently prescribed for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders.
BZO 300 ng/mL 2 to 96 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Buprenorphine / Suboxone
A semi-synthetic opioid that has a longer duration of action than morphine and is used to treat moderate to severe pain.
BUP 10 ng/mL 2 to 72 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
A potent central nervous system stimulant and local anesthetic that brings about extreme energy and restlessness.
COC 150 ng/mL
300 ng/mL
1 to 96 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Cotinine is the first-stage metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that produces stimulation of the autonomic ganglia and central nervous system when in humans. Nicotine is a drug to which virtually every member of a tobacco-smoking society is exposed whether through direct contact or second-hand inhalation. In addition to tobacco, nicotine is also commercially available as the active ingredient in smoking replacement therapies such as nicotine gum, transdermal patches and nasal sprays. In a 24-hour urine, approximately 5% of a nicotine dose is excreted as unchanged drug with 10% as cotinine and 35% as hydroxycotinine; the concentrations of other metabolites are believed to account for less than 5%. While cotinine is thought to be an inactive metabolite, its elimination profile is more stable than that of nicotine which is largely urine pH dependent. As a result, cotinine is considered a good biological marker for determining nicotine use. The plasma half-life of nicotine is approximately 60 minutes following inhalation or parenteral administration. Nicotine and cotinine are rapidly eliminated by the kidney; the window of detection for cotinine in urine at a cutoff level of 200 ng/mL is expected to be up to 2-3 days after nicotine use.
COT 200 ng/mL
300 ng/mL
1 to 96 Hours Forensic Use
Ecstasy (D.L-Methylenedioxy-Methamphetamine)
A designer drug that produces changes in the form of increased sensitivity to light, difficulty in focusing, and blurred vision.
MDMA 500 ng/mL 2 to 96 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Ethyl Glucuronide 
Ethyl Glucuronide (ETG) is a direct metabolite of alcohol. Presence in urine may be used to detect recent alcohol intake, even after alcohol is no longer measurable. Traditional laboratory methods detect the actual alcohol in the body, which reflects current intake within the past few hours (depending on how much was consumed). The presence of ETG in urine is a definitive indicator that it can be detected in the urine for 3 to 4 days after drinking alcohol, even alcohol is eliminated from the body. Therefore, ETG is a more accurate indicator of the recent intake of alcohol than measuring for the presence of alcohol itself. The ETG test can aid in the diagnosis of drunk driving and alcoholism, which has important significance in the forensic identification and medical examination.
ETG 500 ng/mL Up to 80 Hours Forensic Use
Fentanyl belongs to powerful narcotics analgesics, and is a μ special opiates receptor stimulant. Fentanyl is one of the varieties that been listed in management of United Nations “Single Convention of narcotic drug in 1961”. Among the opiates agents that under international control, fentanyl is one of the most commonly used to cure moderate to severe pain1. After continuous injection of fentanyl, the sufferer will have the performance of protracted opioid abstinence syndrome, such as ataxia and irritability etc2,3, which presents the addiction after taking fentanyl in a long time. Compared with drug addicts of amphetamine, drug addicts who take fentanyl mainly have got the possibility of higher infection rate of HIV, more dangerous injection behavior and more lifelong medication overdose.
FTY / FEN / FYL 20 ng/mL Hours to Days Forensic Use
Ketamine was developed in the 1960s to replace phencyclidine (PCP) as an anesthetic agent and is most commonly used in veterinary medicine today. In addition to rohypnol (add hyperlink to page) and GHB, it is also considered a club drug, and may be used in drug-facilitated sexual assault situations. It is odorless, tasteless and usually swallowed in powder form or injected. Once taken, it is very short-acting and shows effects within minutes. Under federal law, ketamine is classified as a Schedule III drug, meaning it has approved medical use, but still possesses a high potential for abuse..
KET 1000 ng/mL Hours to Days Forensic Use
Kratom leaves produce narcotic-like effects when smoked, chewed, or drank as a suspension, which have recently attracted significant attention due to increased use in Western cultures as an alternative medicine. It is used in therapy for opiate addiction and chronic pain management. The addiction potential and adverse health consequences are becoming an important issue for health authorities. Extensive use of kratom results in prolonged sleep. The withdrawal symptoms include hostility, aggression, muscle pain and inability to work.
KRA 300 ng/mL Hours to Days Forensic Use
Cannabinoids / Marijuana
When smoked or orally administered it produces euphoric effects. Users have impaired short term memory and slowed learning.
THC 50 ng/mL 2 Hours to 40 Days FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
A narcotic analgesic prescribed for the management of moderate to severe pain and for treatment of opiate dependence.
MTD 300 ng/mL 3 to 72 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Methadone Metabolite
EDDP is a controlled substance and is used for detoxification and maintenance of opiate-dependent patients. EDDP (2-Ethylidine-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine) is the primary metabolite of methadone. Methadone is a synthetic analgesic drug that is originally used in the treatment of narcotic addicts. The detection of EDDP is more beneficial than traditional methadone screening since EDDP exists only in urine from individuals that ingested methadone. The tampering of specimens by spiking the urine with methadone can be prevented. Secondly, renal clearance of EDDP is not affected by urinary pH, therefore the EDDP test provides a more accurate result of methadone ingestion than the methadone parent screen.
EDDP 300 ng/mL 1 to 72 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
An addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. Can be taken orally, injected or inhaled.
mAMP / MET 500 ng/mL
1000 ng/mL
2 hours to 4 days FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Morphine / Opiates
A drug derived from the opium poppy, including natural products morphine and codeine, and semi-synthetic drugs such as heroin.
MOP / OPI 300 ng/mL
2000 ng/mL
2 hours to 3 days FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
A schedule II narcotic analgesic widely used in clinical medicine. Similar to morphine, in all respects, including its abuse and dependence.
OXY 100 ng/mL 1 to 48 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
A hallucinogen, also known as Angel Dust, can be used in powder, capsule and tablet form.
PCP 25 ng/mL 4 hours to 14 days FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
A mild narcotic analgesic found in various pharmaceutical preparations, usually as hydrochloride or napsylate salt.
PPX 300 ng/mL 1 to 72 Hours FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
Ketamine was developed in the 1960s to replace phencyclidine (PCP) as an anesthetic agent and is most commonly used in veterinary medicine today. In addition to rohypnol (add hyperlink to page) and GHB, it is also considered a club drug, and may be used in drug-facilitated sexual assault situations. It is odorless, tasteless and usually swallowed in powder form or injected. Once taken, it is very short-acting and shows effects within minutes. Under federal law, ketamine is classified as a Schedule III drug, meaning it has approved medical use, but still possesses a high potential for abuse..
KET 500 ng/mL
1000 ng/mL
Hours to Days Forensic Use
Synthetic Cannabis
Synthetic cannabis is a psychoactive designer drug derived of natural herbs sprayed with synthetic chemicals that, when consumed, allegedly mimic the effects of cannabis, it is best known by the brand names K2 and Spice. Synthetic cannabis act on the body in a similar way to cannabinoids naturally found in cannabis, such as THC. A large and complex variety of synthetic cannabis most often cannabicyclohexanol, JWH-018, JWH-073, or HU-210, are used in an attempt to avoid the laws that make cannabis illegal, making synthetic cannabis a designer drug. Although synthetic cannabis does not produce positive results in drug tests for cannabis, it is possible to detect its metabolites in human urine. The synthetic cannabinoids contained in synthetic cannabis products have been made illegal in many European countries. On November 24, 2010, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration announced it would use emergency powers to ban many synthetic cannabinoids within a month. As of March 1, 2011, five cannabinoids, JWH-018, JWH-073, CP-47,497, JWH-200, and cannabicyclohexanol are now illegal in the US.
K2 25 ng/mL
50 ng/mL
to Hours Forensic Use
Tricyclic Antidepressants / Nortriptyline
Commonly used for treatment of depressive disorders. TCA overdose is the most common cause of death from prescription drugs.
TCA 1000 ng/mL 2 Hours to 40 Days FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
6-Monoacetylmorphine / Heroin Metabolite
6-Monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM) or 6-acetylmorphine (6-AM) is one of three active metabolites of heroin (diacetylmorphine), the others being morphine and the much less active 3-monoacetylmorphine (3-MAM). 6-MAM is rapidly created from heroin in the body, and then is either metabolized into morphine or excreted in the urine. 6-MAM remains in the urine for no more than 24 hours. So a urine specimen must be collected soon after the last heroin use, but the presence of 6-MAM guarantees that heroin was in fact used as recently as within the last day. 6-MAM is naturally found in the brain, but in such small quantities that detection of this compound in urine virtually guarantees that heroin has recently been consumed.
6-MAM 10 ng/mL 2 Hours to 3 Days FDA 510k
CLIA Waived
OTC - Over the Counter
* Detection times are not guaranteed. This assay provides only a preliminary analytical test result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatogrphy/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are indicated.
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